Application for Training Research Fund
Apply Training Research Fund
The Hong Kong College of Gerontological Nursing aims to enhance the knowledge and expertise in gerontological nursing, to initiate and develop continuous nursing education and nursing research activities. In 2003, our College agreed to deploy 10% of annual balance to "Training and Research Fund" (T & R Fund). All members are welcomed to apply for the sponsorship for job-related events, programs or research.
- Applicant must be paid up member of the College.
- Priority will depend on seniority of their membership with the College (i.e. fully paid up membership year).
- Priority will also depend on the members' contribution and participation with the College.
- Priority will be given to those who have an abstract/ presentation accepted by the Congress Secretariat.
- Priority will be based on the direct applicability and relevance to elderly care.
Full or partial sponsorship to applicants is dependent on the availability of funding. The Council members of the College reserve the right to select applicants who have satisfied the captioned conditions. The College will consider the application on the basis of nature of program, the amount applied for, and the contribution of the applicant to the College.
Applicants should fill in the application form and submit it together with supporting documents, such as the program brochure and correspondence of the program organizer, abstract/ presentation (if any), and/ or confirmation of the acceptance and official receipts for expenses already paid (if indicated) to The Hong Kong College of Gerontological Nursing, GPO Box 657, Hong Kong before the commencement of the program. Applicants will be notified individually in writing.
*Please send back to: Hong Kong College of Gerontological Nursing, GPO Box 657, Hong Kong